God's Mercy Gives Us A New Start Every Day

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

Walking into a new year gives a sense of hope and of looking forward. But the reality is that we will still struggle with problems—some old, some new.

Wise King Solomon, who had everything money could buy, wrote this:

What has been will be again,

What has been done will be done again;

There is nothing new under the son.

Ecclesiastes 1:9

The true hope, the newness we all crave, is not found in the latest video game or social media post.

It is not found in how many friends we have or how much stuff we have.

It is found in this one truth.

Because we are forgiven and loved by the God who gave up his own son to die for us,

WE have something new every day—God’s compassion for us that forgives everything we have done (and not done).

We get a new start in the depths of our soul.

Because of God’s commitment to us, we have peace with God right now, even in the middle of the darkest days.

And we have a life without the same old pain, sadness, sickness, and death.

We have a life that is beyond what we are able to look forward to with Jesus forever!

Family Conversation Starter Using Lamentations 3:22-23 

  • Talk about what you are looking forward to this new year.

  • What do you think it will be like to live with Jesus in Heaven without any pain, sadness, sickness, or death?

  • Why do we need God’s forgiveness every day?

  • What does it mean to you that God knows all about you and loves you every day?

  • Pray together as a family, telling Jesus what his love for you means to you. Tell him about what you are sorry for and worried about. Thank him for his peace that he gives you.

Chris Gebert