In Heaven And On Earth God Is Here For Us
“Our Father in heaven…”
I was watching a father at the playground with his tiny daughter the other day. His eyes, full of love for her, never left her as she scaled up the enclosed rope structure. She would look at him from time to time, and he would shout encouragement from the growing distance between them. At one point, he ran and scrambled up the structure to help her. He was firm and tender at the same time.
It amazes me that God has that type of relationship with us. We are all just like that tiny girl. We are incapable of paying for his love. He loves us simply because he does—like that father at the playground loves his girl—but perfectly.
The thing that makes me stop and think, Wow! Why would God want me as his child? is my awareness of my own sin. But his love does not depend on how naughty or nice I am. I know that because he came to this earth to die and rise for every one of us.
For God so loved the WORLD that he gave his one and only Son.
That whoever believes in him will not perish, but have eternal life.
John 3:16
While Jesus hung on the cross, his Father poured out the wrath for every sin on him. He rejected him as his own child.
“My God My God why have you forsaken me?”
Matthew 27:46
I can’t imagine what it was like for Jesus to die all alone for us. His love for us kept him on the cross, without hate, bitterness, or resentment.
“Our Father in heaven…”
Our Father rules over all the things that alarm us so much. The spiritual and physical forces are all under his control.
That little tiny girl in the playground had no idea of how much peril she was in because she knew her dad was with her.
Our Abba Father is right here with us—in our naughty days, in days of sickness and death, in joyful days. He is there with us every minute and into eternity. There is no circumstance that can separate us from our Father.
Conversation starters for families:
What are the characteristics of a perfect father?
Share what it means to you that God is really your father. How does it change how you see yourself?
How does knowing God is your father change how you think of your circumstances?