Through God's Eyes
Everywhere I go in the day I find myself evaluating my surrounding like the roads I drive, the grocery store, the coffee shop and the gym. We evaluate smells and sounds and tastes and touch. And people. And children. And spouses. And friends.
I think we all do it. I know I do. It’s too easy for me to look at a person to see if I approve of them or they approve of me.
God enters our old broken way of evaluating each other. He has made us new in his forgiveness and he fills us with his love so we can see others through his eyes and heart.
And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.
So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:15-17
He is on the cross. Hanging in between the justice of God and us. The agony of rejection of his Father, the hate of each one of us for him, the horror of each sin ever committed is on him. He can hop off at any time he wants for he is God. Love holds him there. Love for me. Love for you. Love for our children and our spouses and our families and our friends.
He looks down at us with eyes that are eager to have us with him. With eyes of forgiveness and love. Love holds him there. Love that saves holds him there.
When I see my husband do I see him through Jesus’s eyes? Or through the eyes of being my husband’s sin police?
Do I see my children through the expectations I have landscaped for them in their lives? Do I see them through the eyes of the world longing for them to be a success? popular? wealthy?
Or do I see them like Jesus does?
Holy and blameless
The King of king’s Child
The King of king’s Bride
Royal priesthood
Chosen by God before creation
How I evaluate people determines how I treat them. How I treat them can determine how they think about themselves, especially small children. And they learn to evaluate like I do, so I can form how they evaluate others.
Do I make the people around me feel like have nots? Or do I convey to them what they mean to God? I am so thankful that God’s words are more powerful than my words. That his Spirit invades my heart and my family’s heart to bring the truth of how he sees us. His Love overcomes our sins of the past and present and future. It is such a relief to know that even though my bad perceptions have had their bad effect, God’s powerful love can overcome their effect.
A Daily Prayer
O God, thank you for looking at me through the cross and seeing me as holy and blameless. My mind can’t even start to imagine the love you have for me as you look at me. Fill my eyes with your love as I look at the people around me. Help me to evaluate them through your heart. Give me opportunities to tell them who they are in you. Amen.