God Gives Every Family True Hope and Joy
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil, or fade. 1 Peter 1:3-4
New Year's Day celebrates the hope a new year brings. Yet, we know that not all our hopes and dreams from last year came true. But God offers a different kind of hope—a living hope—a hope not based on earthly circumstances, but on what He has done for us.
Our Savior doesn't offer empty promises or false hope. He is God who came to earth as a man. He entered the chaos caused by our selfishness and died to forgive us, to make us His children, and to give us eternal life.
God says we have eternal life with Him because He has given us a new birth—not a physical birth, but a spiritual one and because of that faith in Jesus, as our Savior that God gave us, we are born again.
As His children, we inherit everything Jesus has with the Father! We inherit—not earn or deserve—a relationship with God the Father as our own Father right now! Even in our darkest moments, the King of kings is with us as our Father.
Questions for Families
Understanding Hope
What does it mean to have a "living hope?” How is this different from the hopes we have for things in this world?
How can we remind ourselves of this hope when life feels hard or uncertain?
New Birth
What do you think it means to have a "new birth" in Christ?
How does knowing God’s mercy and gift of new life change the way we live each day?
Eternal Inheritance
What are some things in this life that can perish, spoil, or fade? How is our heavenly inheritance different?
How can we keep our hearts focused on God’s eternal promises instead of temporary things?
Gratitude and Praise
How can we show gratitude to God for His mercy and the hope He’s given us?
Can we think of ways to praise God as a family for His gift of salvation and the promise of heaven?
Living in Light of the Resurrection
How does Jesus’ resurrection give us hope today?
What are some ways we can share this hope with others around us?
What are some ways we can share this hope with others around us?
Activity Suggestion:
As a family, write down things you’re grateful for about your hope in Jesus (e.g., forgiveness, eternal life, God’s love). Place the list somewhere visible as a daily reminder to praise God together!