How Parents Find Peace Instead of Guilt With God's Love

I woke up the other night thinking about the “if only I had….” and “ I wish I hadn’t…”, as the guilt and regret grew bigger and bigger. Parent guilt. It’s a real thing because parents are real sinners caring for children that are real sinners.

What God has to say to us parents experiencing guilt and shame is surprising and powerful.

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, 

who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 

For he chose us in him before the creation of the world 

to be holy and blameless in his sight. 

Ephesians 1:3-4

God the Father, who is without sin determined before creation to give up his holy Son to be flesh for us, to become our sin, to give his life as a sacrifice for the guilt and shame of our sins so we are holy and blameless in God’s sight!  

Parent guilt? God says it is eliminated at the cross. 

Why would The Father send his Son to die for us? Why would Jesus willingly suffer the hate of a world he came to save?

It is love. God is love.

Love that is so unconditional and endless it defies human reason.

Love that gives us faith to know a love we cannot understand.

Love that gives us peace that passes understanding in Christ Jesus.

God wants his peace in our lives to preach to our children. God is a God of redeeming sinners and bringing the good and the bad into his kingdom.

If you have a child who is gone from God, your peace in Jesus has a powerful impact. Fear and fretting and shame and guilt only preach hopelessness. 

You are free from guilt. You are holy and blameless in God’s sight. Right now.

Be at peace dear parent. Love your child. Speak these words of God to your child. There is nothing that we have done or will do that is too big for Jesus to forgive. He waits with open arms to hold you and your child. To take your burdens of guilt and shame. To give you life with him now and forever.

A Daily Prayer:
Dear Jesus, you know what is on our heart for our children. Give us firm faith in you. Thank you for eliminating our sins on the cross. As we leave our burdens in your hands, give us your peace that passes understanding. Thank you, Jesus. Thank you. Amen.

Chris Gebert