Have Faith In The Protection God's Truth Gives Us

My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.  They are not of the world, even as I am not of it. Sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth. 

John 17:15-16

The events of these days we live in has made me so aware of how vulnerable we are to the dangers of sickness and injustice and violence. It seems overwhelming.

The feelings I have can’t even touch what Jesus faced the last few hours before he gave up his life on the cross. What a horrific death he faced at the hands of people who hated him!

We see his agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. But shortly before that we see his heart for us in his prayer to his Father recorded in John 17. He prays for protection for us. But as agonizing as his physical torture and death was that he faced, the protection he prayed for was not from illness or injustice but from the evil one.

While we struggle with how to keep our family safe, God reminds us that the most important thing we can do is give our children what protects their very souls:

The Truth 

God’s Word is Truth!

The One True God himself protects us by his Truth.

The truth is that God sent his Son, Jesus to take the punishment for our sin. All the injustice and evil that seems to be out of control was punished. The wrath of God for sin was poured out on his Son.  Because Jesus died and rose and rules over all authorities and powers so that sickness and death and injustice have no hold on us.

We are free no matter what our circumstance is. 

God is with us and we are with him in his Kingdom. 

Now and forever.

The most important thing we can do to protect our children and spouse and friends is to teach the truth of Jesus in his Word. The Holy Spirit works through the promises of God in his Word to give us true peace and life.

A Daily Prayer:
Thank you, Jesus, for praying to the Father for us. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for making our prayers perfect before our Father. Thank you for giving us faith to know our souls are safe with you. Give us wisdom and passion to share your truth in your Word with our families. Amen.

Chris Gebert