Using God's Gift Of Listening
I love walking at dawn. As the sun rises, shapes in the landscape take on greater detail. Listening in a family is like that experience of light revealing the details. Listening helps us understand what is going on in another’s heart. And it takes time like a sunrise for that better understanding of each other to happen.
In a stressful day where tempers are already thin, listening gives everyone time to regroup mentally. It shows love for the other person also, instead of quickly making a judgment and speaking to the other person in angry tones.
Our children learn to listen when they experience us listening to them. That is huge not only when they are young, but as they grow older and are tempted by Satan to not listen to those in authority.
Ultimately, the voice in a family that should be listened to the most is God’s voice itself! His love for us amazes me. That he loves me enough to speak with me as his Spirit reveals his Words to my heart. And that he loves me enough to bend down from heaven to listen to me.
A Daily Prayer:
Dear Jesus, fill me with your love so I listen like you do to me. Give me words that are wise and full of your truth and love, especially in hard to have conversations. Help families to listen to you and talk to you every day and in every anxious moment. Amen.