God's Word: The Divine Conversation Starter

All scripture is God-breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 4:16-17

God is the master teacher. He teaches as he lets us watch how he saved us through the lives of broken people in the Bible. He teaches with parables and emotional psalms and fantastic visions of the reality of his victory over sin and death. I love how his Word crosses the boundaries of logic and intellect because the Spirit reveals his living Word to our hearts – young and old.

God’s Word provokes our kids’ questions and their insights! It is a conversation starter for the anxieties and conflicts and joys and disappointments that are life on this earth.

Daily Prayer:
Dear Jesus, you know the unique worries and stresses our family is experiencing. We want to know you better through your Word. Help us to listen to our children as they listen to you in your Word. Give us time today to slow down and have important conversations as a family as we respond to what you tell us in the Bible. Amen.