Jesus wants children to know how special and secure they are in his love for them. This page in You Are More Than Ordinary helps them see that reality through the account of David and Goliath.
Read MoreThis is a good time between you and God to tell him what you are thankful to him for. Here are some verses and thoughts to share with your family this Thanksgiving.
Read MoreIt is important for children to know that God’s Word shows how he uses flawed and frail people to share his love.
Read MoreWhen I am anxious about something, I automatically go to the “land of what-ifs”—a place where fear overtakes reality. Then I plot to control and fix whatever is going on. Well, you can guess how that works out. As we listen to him instead of our own fears and anxious thoughts, God settles us in the reality of who he is. That is how we can hold fast to the hope we have.
Read MoreCheck out my book You Are More When Obeying is Hard for how to talk with children and as a family about God’s Word.
Read MoreWe want our children to have the resources they need to grow their God-given abilities, wisdom, and skills. Help them find all these things through the wisdom of the cross.
Read MoreYou Are More: When Life Isn’t Fair communicates to children why Jesus died to forgive us. Read it with your children today!
Read MoreGod yearns for parents and children to know that they need and have a Savior that will never leave or forsake them, no matter what mess they get themselves into. God’s faithful, merciful love gives families the confidence to not have to fake him or anyone else out. He just wants us to come clean with him, to be honest about our struggles and weaknesses.
Read MoreYou don't have to be perfect to be a good parent. Trust in the Lord’s love and follow his lead.
Read MoreCheck out this excerpt from my latest book You Are More When Life Is Unfair.
Read MoreWe don’t have to teach our children to take crazy, ineffective actions to escape their guilt. We simply and honestly tell them about our own need for the forgiveness of Jesus. They should know beyond any doubt that they are totally forgiven and unconditionally loved by God himself.
Read MoreWhat Solomon writes makes me ponder how we encourage kids to be all they can be. Our children desperately need to know that they are safe in God’s kingdom even as they live out their lives in a world that is destined to fail.
Read MoreShare my book You Are More WHen Life Is Unfair with your children and let them see and hear the joy that Jesus for them.
Read MoreGod’s promises and presence gave Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego power to obey him, even though they would be thrown in the fiery furnace. God gives those same promises to our children as they face opposition to their faith in Jesus.
Read MoreEvery moment in this dark world is precious because it is an opportunity to share the truth and the love of Jesus.
Read MoreThe seed is the Word of God. The most important thing we can do as parents and grandparents and friends of little children is to scatter the seed.
Read MoreSee how Jesus gives children their divine purpose and share all that Jesus has to offer through the eyes of Liam and Katherine in my book You Are More Than Ordinary.
Read MoreLent is a time of year when we deliberately meditate on the love of Jesus for us. It is powerful for families to talk about their problems and their hopes in the reality of the truth that we are safely loved by Jesus.
Read MoreJesus is willing to clean us. It was done that day on the cross. Only we can stand between being clean and at peace with God. For, if we refuse the gift, there is no healing.
Read MoreAlways be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have …but do it with gentleness and respect.
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